When Time Stands Still
You may be wondering, “How can time stand still?” Time standing still is an expression of stagnancy, extended trials, or a lack of physical results. A lot of people are growing weary while waiting on the promises of God. They fall into three various traps. Trap number one is becoming jealous of those around them that God seems to be blessing. Trap number two, they begin doubting God and all the wonderful promises. Trap number three, they stop praying as much as they used to pray. They tend to think that nothing has happened yet so why keep trying. We have to wise and not fall into these three traps. I am guilty of falling into these traps. I am thankful that God is merciful. As I repented, the Lord extended his favor and grace upon my life.
Time waits for no one however we all have to wait for God’s timing and not ours. I learned a long time ago that God’s timing is best. I realize his sovereignty and He is truly a great father. If God would’ve answered some of my prayers, then I would have destroyed myself. Worrying never solved anything. I can recall a time that I was so anxious in my spirit and I lacked patience. I was tired of being lonely. I was tired of being away from all of my family. I felt like I was missing out but I failed to recognize that God had me where he wanted me. I had to go through the wilderness. If I would have left my wilderness season early, then my destiny would have been forfeited.
I can honestly thank God for the closed doors and opportunities. I wasn’t ready to walk on certain platforms and to be connected to certain people. I had to be processed. My character needed to be developed. It may seem as if time is standing still but the fact of the matter is that God is going to connect you to where you need to be and place you where you need to be fitted. This is why it seems as if nothing is happening around you and you will be stuck in the desert place forever. We have to be honest with ourselves and say, “It’s just not my season. Yet, my season is coming!”
We have to learn how to make the best of our time.
When I was in the wilderness, I got a lot accomplished. What God did in my life 3 years, is amazing. I wrote 13 books, started a Christian Magazine and a publishing company. I’ve been on television and international radio. I even trained people to do what I do and be better at it. When I put my agenda aside and picked up God’s agenda, time seem to be right on. The seconds, minutes, and hours all seem to line up. It happened right on time because my spirit was synced with the Holy Spirit. I embraced his will and plan for my life.
Recently, a pastor approached me. He is using my new book, “School Of The Prophets: A Curriculum For Success,” at his church. He will do an 8-week training. I am truly thankful because I can see now why I had to study all those hours when the time seem to be standing still. God has a plan. Ask God what you should be doing when the time seems to be standing still.